Symptoms, causes and treatment for URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS (UTIs)

Symptoms, causes and treatment for URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS (UTIs)

Image showing a women suffering from UTI and some facts and figures about UTIs

Urinary tract infections or UTIs are one of the most common forms of infections and yet not spoken about as much; probably owing to the intimate areas getting affected, non-fatality or easy treatmet for UTI. But, some statistics believe that 1 in 2 women and 1 in 10 men suffer from it at least once in their lifetimes and many, multiple times. (

What is a Urinary Tract Infection?

As the name suggests, it is an infection cused in the urinary tract i.e. the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder and the urethra. The infection is caused by bacteria, the most common being Escherichia coli (E. coli). Depending on the part of the tract it infects, it is known as cystitis (bladder), pyelonephritis (kidneys) or urethritis (urethra).

Typically an infection affects the urethra and the bladder but can spread to the kidneys if not taken care of. Spreading of the infection to the kidney may lead to permanent kidney damage.

How Urinary Tract infection occurs?

The reason UTIs is generally referred to as an infection for women is owing to the anatomy of women i.e. having a shorter ureters than men thereby leaving the anus and urethra closer to each other. Also the bladder is closer making it more susceptible for bacteria to travel and infect.

Most common reason for UTIs is not maintaining proper hygiene while using the restroom. After urination or bowel movements, there is a possibility for the bacteria to enter the vagina.Sexual activity without maintain hygiene and certain methods of birth control (diaphragm and spermicidal agents) also make women more vulnerable to the risk UTIs.

Another related cause for UTI is the improper urination owing to stones in the tract. Because of the pain, at times, the bladder is not emptied while urinating, thereby increasing the cause of infection. 

What are the sings and symptoms of UTIs?

Depending on the stage of infection, the symptom range from pain in the flanks (lower sides of the back), high fever, chills, nausea and vomiting. Most common and easily identifiable symptoms are frequent urination with limited urine, colour of the urine (cloudy, dark colour, passing of blood), strong pungent smell and a burning sensation as the urine passed through the tract.

What precautions can one take to avoid Urinary tract infections?

Wiping from back to front after urinating or bowel movements helps clean the bacteria thus preventing their spread from the anal region to the vagina and urethra. Drinking plenty of water helps dilute the urine and flush our the bacteria every time one urinates. Avoiding the use of feminine sprays, deodorants, douches and powders that may cause irritation and further lead to the infection.Using clean underwear, preferably cotton, that can absorb any moisture and lose clothes to facilitate air flow and reduce the growth of bacteria. Emptying the bladder after intercourse helps to flush out any residual bacteria from the activity.

Can urinary tract infection be cured? What are the possible treatments for urinary tract infections?

UTIs, in most cases, can be cured by prescription allopathic antibiotics. One care that needs to be taken is to complete the suggested course of medication. 
Or one could look at ayurveda or siddhaveda for the treatment of UTIs ( One of our products does exactly that and helps you "pee free" of any pain or irritation. Check out our ayurvedic medicine for treatment of Uriniary Tract Infections, Good 4 UTI

If you would like to read more some other ailments related to the gut like Constipation, GERD, Bloating, Bile reflux or Irritable Bowel Syndrome / IBS, or oral care concerns like Periodontitis or Pyorrhoea, bad breath or Gingivitis, or some chronic ailments like Tuberculosis, Asthma, Arthritis, Frozen shoulder, Anaemia, Bronchitis, muscle dystrophy, or filtration organ ailments like Kidney Stones, or ailments for sexual wellness like Erectile dysfunction or ED, Oligospermia, please click on the relevant ailment to know more.

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